Boldness — a key ingredient to success in life — Part 1

Allan Kakinda
4 min readJan 6, 2019
Kiyosaki says, “Often in the real world, it is not the smart that get ahead but the BOLD”

At the beginning of the year, I usually seek the Lord for a word to use as inspiration and guidance throughout the year. This word not only inspires me but also guides everything I do for the year. In 2018, my word for the year was discipline. Committing to this word enabled me to accomplish many personal and professional goals that I had set. I saw tremendous success. For example, I resumed blogging which I have consistently done for close to 3 months now. My productivity at work also increased and led to unprecedented career growth.

For 2019, my one word is BOLDNESS. One of my favourite quotes on this is from Robert Kiyosaki; a great teacher who practices what he preaches and who has been a great inspiration to me.

Kiyosaki says, “Often in the real world, it is not the smart that get ahead but the BOLD”

For me, this quote means that even though being smart is good, it is not enough to get you ahead. You must make some bold moves. Do some things you have never done before. Learn things that may not be interesting but will surely get you ahead. Take calculated risks etc.

The dictionary defines boldness as:

  1. willingness to take risks and act innovatively; confidence or courage.
  2. the quality of having a strong, vivid, or clear appearance.

So how does one become bold? I believe boldness is a habit that must be developed by consistently doing specific things... Here are some of the things one must do in order to become bolder.

  1. Stop procrastinating and do something. Is there something you’ve been wanting or trying to do but can’t seem to get the courage up? Whether it’s asking a girl/boy out, learning a new language, starting that business, starting that application, pursuing further studies etc? Boldness is the opposite of hesitation/procrastination. Whenever you’re feeling hesitant in interactions with others, or in making a decision for yourself, learn to swallow your pride and make the first move. Start it. Get the ball rolling. Just begin. You don’t need to have everything figured out right from the start. Some of the things you will figure out as you work through the actual thing.

2. Do the unexpected. Bold people aren’t afraid of trying new things. One of the reasons they are so exciting to be around is because they keep you guessing. This could be something new for you, like salsa dancing or learning to water ski, mountain climbing ( I did a bit of it yesterday). Doing something new and unexpected might make you feel vulnerable or afraid. Don’t give in to those feelings. Instead, accept the newness of the skill and don’t be afraid. This step alone will teach you how to take risks.

3. Learn to say no especially when you don’t feel like doing something:

If someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do, say no to them and don’t feel guilty about it. You don’t have to make up an excuse or explanation. Saying “No” will reinvigorate your individuality and help you to feel bold. It will prepare you to go out and get what you want. People will learn to respect your honesty and boldness in the long run

4. Learn to go beyond your strengths and weaknesses:

Boldness has to do with understanding your strengths and weaknesses, then moving beyond them. Don’t try to hide your weaknesses, problems or failures. Accept them as part of you. This will allow you to confidently move forward. You need to appreciate your uniqueness and devise means of going beyond your weaknesses.

5. Pretend that you are already bold.

I am one of those people who believe in the “fake it until you make it” mantra. I practice it in almost all areas I want to grow and improve in. I love reading different types of books but I wasn’t always like that... In 2011 when I returned from living and working in New York picked up the habit of reading because I had observed that many of the successful people I admired and wanted to emulate were great readers. At the time, reading was not anywhere close to my hobbies. However, slowly but surely I started forcing myself to read books. Some I understood, some I did not. The key thing for me was learning the habit. Today, I can read a whole book pick up almost everything being shared in the book. It is now a habit. I believe the same is possible with boldness.

In next posts, we will talk about the benefits of boldness and how to overcome the anxiety that comes as we move towards becoming bold.



Allan Kakinda

Allan is a blogger, avid reader, statistician, businessman, and aspiring investor